Thursday 13 September 2012

heineken economy

This is so cool especially since i was reading about barter trade and the function of money (whilst studying for econs) yesterday.

Think the idea is pretty smart, refreshing (pun intended) in advertising heineken or any product for that matter by showing how 'liquid' an asset heineken is.
According to economic theory, the more liquid an asset, the easier it is to trade for other things, which also means that there is a high demand for it.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Love is

Love is Action, that produces emotion.

Love is concrete.

Love is certain.

Love is sure.

Love is steadfast.

Love is not whimsical.

Love is not undecided. 

Love is, more often than not, undeserving.

Monday 3 September 2012

growth of idealism in Singapore: we have time to have morality

I was thinking... 'hey so cool!' and then... 'i would totally have spoiled it if i joined'... haha!

Saturday 1 September 2012

song of the season

i love how poetic this song is.
but more importantly how apt this song is.

'i will rise as Christ was raised to life...' 

Thursday 23 August 2012


Tonight I realise I am perhaps in the process of learning one of life's greatest lessons. Thank God.

To lean into the fear as you would in a trust fall.

Sleeping soon, GP prelim tmr.

Night world.

Sunday 19 August 2012

i wrote to escape

Music is my escape.
TV is my escape.
Somebody else’s story is my escape
Even if it isn’t mine
It is my escape

Junk food is my escape.
Sleep is my escape.
Even if I always wake
It is my escape

Shopping is my escape.
Feeling is my escape
Taking a walk is my escape
Even if I tire
It is my escape

Dreaming is my escape
Listening to music is my escape
Having a conversation is my escape
Even if words cease
It is my escape.

There are whole industries built on the human need to escape.
Whole livelihoods constructed to escape
Escaping for a living. How ironic.
Escaping to live.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

I love how this year's UOB painting of the Year is... ' Just Let Me Sleep'

Done by a J1 student from Hwa Chong. Love love love it. Love the message, love the technique. I don't know much about art, never studied it formally but I really think the technique he went with really brought out the message of his painting. The chaos, the swirling lines, the whole textured effect. Just really good. Congrats Esmond!

Sunday 12 August 2012

my next phone.

I just have this thing for old tech.
typewriters. rotary telephones. old teles. old bulky qwerty keyboards that have certain keys in grey, others in white. u name it. i love it.
AND the best part is.... it retails at S$25. AHMYGOSH.
low opp cost there. (y)

there seriously is something regressive about my nature.


Friday 10 August 2012

for my 500th post: my narnia

Realised i get some of my best thoughts (next to when i am in the shower) when i take walks. This is the park i usually have to walk through to get to westmall (the nearest shopping centre to my house).  Also, optimal time is at night when all is calm, cool and collected. i love night walks. they are when i get my best ideas. alright, time to study now. ciao!

Saturday 4 August 2012

On studying/learning

to me studying and learning is all about discovering the genius that isn't us.

was just thinking if life were like a drive we ought to be...

Shifting between the pedals of reason and faith to move us along.

the day we dont need belief or faith is the day we have perfect knowledge. the day we have perfect knowledge is the day our imperfect lives cease. hence, till that day comes, we alternate between reason and faith/belief to get us through life. 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

I was just thinking about life when suddenly...

this floated/popped into my head...
the phrase, 'guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life...' but it wasn't phrased so clearly (my memory's a mess) so i went to google 'guard your heart proverbs' and found many versions of the same thing.

'Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.' - NKJV

'Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.' - NIV

Proverbs 4: 23

And then i didnt really get what 'keep your heart... with all diligence' meant so i googled the words. So... it looks something like this.

Keep (retain, maintain, preserve)  your heart with all diligence (steady effort, attentive care, earnest and persistent application); for out of it are the issues of life.

I love how the second part reads 'out of it are the issues of life' 
So true. 

And wellspring actually means : An original and bountiful source of something.
So... it'd be like... above all else guard your heart for it is the original and bountiful source of life.

okay now it sounds a little... i don't know... yoga-rish. (HAHA)
no disrespect.

I think it'd be interesting to study the... whatever language proverbs was originally written in (eg: hebrew word) for heart. I want to know what 'heart' refers to. 
In fact, i would like to know what this entire verse really means.  

I think language plays such an important role honestly.
Just look at the two translations.
They both project actually quite different images/meaning because of the choice of words used. 

This is why i really want to study the Bible in its original languages. 

English... ironically... is a very inadequate language. 
Doesn't have a wide enough vocab to accurately hit the spectrum of emotions/meanings. 
Oh this is why btw, english is an amalgam of many languages and this is also why in many parts of the world, for official world meetings, french is the preferred language (although it is very difficult to learn but precisely because it is way more accurate and precise a language as compared to english) for use. 

The bible should be in french. 

It probably is in france.
I should learn french.

I should learn more languages.
Languages are reeeaally inneresting. 

Saturday 21 July 2012